Submit your presentation proposal for five new themes at Vitalis 2020
28 November / 2019
Welcome to submit your presentation proposal for five new themes at Vitalis 2020. In these themes we believe that there will be lectures including informatics, standardization, ethics, implementation and much more.
Precision Medicine
Precision medicine offers great opportunities, but there are also challenges with the exchange of information along a linear context (basic research, scientific discoveries, clinical trials, clinical operations, laboratory diagnostics, industry). How do we benefit, what is possible and how do we get there?
Cutting-edge health and medical technology
What do the future technology looks like? What is possible around the corner? Here we are happy to see forward-looking presentations on tomorrow’s technologies such as AI, VR, AR, MR and other things we need to know about. Product pitches and re-telling from other lectures is not requested.
Quality and knowledge management
When introducing quality management, it is important to bring digital thinking right from the start so that we ensure further development, research and decision support. Here is the place to tell how.
How to manage health care and care self-produced data? What should be documented, in what way and how can it be used for the benefit of the patient?
International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife
This year Florence Nightingale would have turned 200 and WHO has designated 2020 as the Nurse’s and Midwife’s Year. Vitalis in collaboration with The Swedish Society of Nursing and the Swedish Association of Health Professionals will by this theme highlight the innovation that is currently being driven by nurses. Read article >>