Quotes about Vitalis

A collection of quotes from visitors and exhibitors at Vitalis 2024

A collection of quotes from visitors and exhibitors at Vitalis 2024

This is what visitors say about Vitalis conference and exhibition

"It gives you good insight into what’s going on, both regionally and nationally. I find it extremely valuable to see and be inspired by what others are doing."

Alja Jakupovic, IT specialist, Region Västra Götaland

"In general, I think it’s a fantastic event. You meet familiar faces as well as new companies, so it’s a perfect opportunity for networking and mingling."

Miko A, Business Development Manager, Claroty

"The combination of meeting suppliers and colleagues from other regions and hearing exciting talks makes this a very attractive event to visit."

Henrik Schildt, IT Director, Region Östergötland

"Vitalis is the biggest meeting place in digitalisation, an area of huge relevance to us. It’s a great opportunity to network and gain new knowledge, ideas and inspiration. That’s why we prioritise Vitalis."

Kristin Norrgård, Project Manager Healthcare, Arvika Municipality

"I’m a project manager for the region’s self-monitoring processes, so that’s the area I’ve focused on. I’ve seen lots of valuable examples and gained insights into other regions’ work. I’ll take that away with me and can apply it in our region’s self-monitoring processes."

Fanny Simonsson, business developer, Region Kronoberg

“This year Vitalis was, if possible, even more successful than usual. Everything from the speakers and the topics covered to the exhibition and all the exhibitors. For me as an innovation leader, it is super-efficient to be at Vitalis to network, see trends and have effective supplier meetings. I appreciate that there’s a lot of hard work behind getting all this in place in a perfect mix.”

Per Englund, Innovation Manager, Stockholm Region about Vitalis 2023

This is what exhibitors say about Vitalis

"Vitalis gives us an opportunity to showcase Atea’s offering to colleagues in the industry and the municipal and regional sectors. Attending this event is crucial in order to meet our customers and collaborative partners."

Malin Sölsnaes, Head of Digitalization, Health and Care, Atea

"Vitalis has the ability to gather everyone under the same roof and provides an overview that enables you to take digitalisation to the next level."

Cecilia Andersson, Business Area Manager, Pulsen Omsorg

"For us, Vitalis is a fantastic place to meet old and prospective clients. It’s an opportunity make contacts and showcase our offering."

AnnMarie Löfberg, Healthcare Marketing Manager, Microsoft

It’s important to be here to meet our clients, colleagues and business partners. Everyone is pursuing the same goal of improving healthcare and solving future staffing challenges. It’s very rewarding to have discussions with and be inspired by industry colleagues."

Sofia Krouthén, Client Account Lead Healthcare, Accenture

"Vitalis is an important meeting place for us because we can meet nurses, doctors and players from the elderly care and municipal sectors who we wouldn’t otherwise meet. It’s also useful for us to see how we can integrate with computer technology providers. This makes Vitalis especially valuable."

Henrik Rautianien, Nordic HCP Product Specialist, Abbott Diabetes Care

"Vitalis is the largest e-health event in Scandinavia. This is an area in which we want to grow in Sweden, so it’s a must for us to be here."

Jessica Liljegren, Digital Lead, NHG Sweden