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Leviosa is the next generation of Practice Management Solution (EMR). We envision these systems not just as mere journal (documents), but as advanced Productivity Tools tailored for the modern Healthcare Professional. Our development ethos is built on a foundation of close collaboration with healthcare providers who are not only our partners and investors but also core members of our team and active users of our solutions. 

In the current healthcare landscape, professionals are overwhelmed by administrative tasks (paperwork), with studies indicating they spend up to 70% of their time tethered to computer screens. Recognizing that healthcare professionals are the cornerstone of the industry, Leviosa is dedicated to transforming this scenario.

Our mission is to equip healthcare workers with next-gen tools designed to streamline administrative processes and cut down screen time by an ambitious 50%. By doing so, we aim to refocus the industry on its most critical component: patient care. Come meet us at the Leviosa booth and learn how we embarked on this transformative journey and are now scaling our solution from Iceland to the Nordics.

Visit Leviosa.is to learn more.